Russiagate: probabile cena tra ex consigliere di Trump e Wikileaks
di MARIAGRAZIA DI RAIMONDO - Le indagini sul Russiagate continuano e hanno svelato una possibile cena, durante le presidenziali, tra l'ex advisor del presidente Trump, Roger Stone, e il fondatore di Wikileaks Julian Assange. Secondo il procuratore Mueller, Wikileaks e Stone hanno avuto una cena e un numeroso scambio di email, contenenti informazioni rubate ad Hillary Clinton da hacker russi legati al Cremlino. Stone ha subito negato sia la cena che lo scambio di informazioni.
Is this starting to make sense to you?!?
Etc. Etc. Etc...
This is the Truth!
I need your immediate help now!!!
My Quantum Technological Revolution (and the theft of it) – John Brennan is a Murdering Torturing Thief as is this entire CIA / FBI / CSIS / CAF.
This is Russia-Gate; Murder-Gate
Russiagate is a botched CIA murder operation to have been conducted in Russia planned in conjunction with CSIS (little league CIA of canada) the root of which is the theft of my intellectual property to line their pockets - originally my millions (my Secure Administrative Management System) then my Trillions (the Quantum Technological Revolution that I own – Quantum Radio et al.). The purported leaders of our United States and this Earth have stolen my intellectual property and body and life with the full expectation of my murder (after multiple previous attempts). This is the Truth.
These people are all guilty of High-Treason.
I need your help now or I will be killed.
Benjamin Allen Sullivan